Category: General

  • Healing for Ann’s birthday

    With Ann healing from surgery this birthday feels unique. We’re striving for the peace she needs to heal, while the world outside feels more turbulent and chaotic than ever. One night in the tent is definitely a step in the right direction. Washoe lake campground works well, with easy access and sites I can set…

  • Cooper’s Hawk Visitation

    This unusual guest caught my attention while screeching in the tree just outside our sliding door. It’s amazing to watch birds of prey up close. Hawk (Cooper's?)

  • 2013 Cliff Notes

    And the year is over! Lest I forget, there were definitely some significant changes for me and Ann this year. Reno Collective We signed on as part owners of the Reno Collective this year and took up the challenge to move it to the big windowed space we call the Fishbowl at 1st and Arlington.…

  • Pyramid lake and western ranges air tour

    Scott Hall, the instigator of the RenoTracks project and a pilot, offers to take me up for an aerial tour of some of the landscape north of Reno. It’s an interesting day to do it because the temperature inversion currently sitting in our area makes visible layers of hazy, cloudy (and smoggy), and clear air…

  • Mom visits Reno

    I finally get my opportunity to show my mom why we love Reno. She comes for a long weekend and we manage a pretty good tour! Mom at the collective! A sample of working at the Collective, during which we convert her old TYPO3 website to WordPress. mom and stone man A visit to the…

  • Resuming

    I’ve been off the radar while we worked to get the Reno Collective moved and running in its new location. I’ve never done anything remotely like relocating a coworking space, and it’s been a fantastic learning experience. With Ann managing the space, the collective will remain a huge part of our lives. Team Finish Before…

  • 2012 – a year in Reno

    Wow, it’s been a while since I lived in the same place for two new year’s days in a row! I feel like Reno has welcomed us and we’re giving it a chance to be our home. Last year I mentioned two organizations, the Reno Collective and Friends of Nevada Wilderness, and those continue to…

  • IS Fair 2012: infOcalypse

    The quadrennial romp with my Institute of Sociometry cohorts was filled as always with unexpected twists and scads of irreverent and indigestible information. San Francisco was an inherent part of the experience, with scented air reminiscent of my teenage years, precipitous hills and even more precipitous neighborhood changes, and a whole city worth of people…

  • A trip to Vermont

    I’ve been in Vermont for a couple of weeks where my web crafting amigo Jason lives in the hills. The flu nearly wiped out our whole agenda, but in hindsight we managed some good work and had quite a few Vermont winter experiences to boot. I have an aunt and grandmother in Burlington also, so…

  • The Hagley Family Farm

    My mom’s friend Doug Hagley gives me a tour of his family’s farm that packs in a surprising variety of experiences. Walking through the woods we hear a million starlings. I take a video just for the sound. Doug with mushroom basket Pond crossing Woods trail They have a white pine tree farm about 25…