Category: General

  • New Bike

    No, it’s not the weird transformer thing, but another recumbent much like my old one. Like a puppy to replace the old, tired dog. The old bike still works, just barely, with everything on it just about done for. I’ve gone through too many generations of bike computers to track the mileage, but I guess…

  • Next Bike?

    Every other part of my trusty recumbent commuter and US perimeter-tourer is blown or about to blow. I even have a birthday coming up, but sadly I can’t get one of these yet:

  • Memorial Day Friend Gathering

    We nearly call off our camping plans due to the rainy weather forecast, but decide to give it a chance. The forecast is right. We all spend a rainy night at Tres Piedras, then wander around on Saturday getting excited to climb every time the rain stops for an hour, but it always starts again.…

  • Sante Fe Sights

    Showing Mom around Santa Fe, I see many sights I don’t encounter normally. During the day we walk around the plaza area, then after dinner my dad, Sarah, and Ann join us for a traditional Friday evening gallery walk on Canyon road. Seeing most of this for the first time is fun for me, then…

  • Earth Day Walk

    Picking up Mom at the airport may not have been too Earth day-ish, but I walk everywhere else. Mom and I hike to Tribes for lunch, then I walk with Ann to Century Bank. The lobby at the bank is closed, so we walk up to the drive-through. “Sorry Miss, but you must have a…

  • Recovery Walk to Java Joe’s

    I’ve rested my legs for a couple of weeks and taken a course of ibuprofen. Today I try a little 4-mile round trip to one of our local coffee shops to see how walking feels. The results are mixed. My knee feels fine, but my left hamstring has odd, subtle pull in it that seemed…

  • Friendsgiving

    Why o why did I not take any pictures of this year’s friend-contributed meal gathering in Fort Collins? I think I’ve forgotten about my camera while I’m resting my knee. As if it were a knee-operated device. But I will remember anyway that I finally got some of the beating coming to me for being…

  • New Shoes

    We attend a pre-sale party at Sangre de Cristo Mountain Works. One of the recommendations I’ve read for iliotibial band syndrome is stiffer, more supportive shoes. My tendency has been to go with shoes that minimize interference, usually Chaco sandals or soft trail runners. I try on a pair of Salomons (XA Pro 3D Ultra)…

  • Knee Evaluation

    The stiffness in my left knee has been getting gradually worse on my longer hikes. My internet self-diagnosis so far is that it’s one of the outer knee varieties of runner’s knee, but I felt the need for some kind of consultation on this. I was reluctant to go to an orthopedic doctor, mostly because…

  • T-Rex’s Open House

    We thought we’d have some friends and associates over to see the new office and home, but T-Rex made it clear these visitors were in his domain: