Category: General

  • The weblog: what it is, how to use it

    Today I have turned into a blog. This is just a journal-like format for publishing things on the web. The blog consists of posts (like this one) each of which has one or more topics (“About the hobolog” for this post). You can select a topic from the ‘view posts’ menu and click the…

  • The Amtrak Concession Guy

    On the train to Sante Fe to visit Ann I sit for several hours listening to the concession guy (CG), a large bald black guy, talking to people. Guy A: You sleep last night? Guy B: Not a wink. CG: Some guy was walkin’ around butt naked up there last night. Guy B: No shit.…

  • Solar Eclipse

    Watched the eclipse with my music teacher Ellen Werback. There was the same eerie silence and strange light I remember from Christmas 2000. It got to about 70%.

  • Piano Recital

    Played with Ellen first, Bach’s Little Fugue in G minor. Alas, I got nervous and left a large garbled gap in the middle, but recovered for a strong ending.

  • Birth of a cyberhobo

    This cyberhobo is Dylan Kuhn, a software engineer and lover of outdoor explorations. In the year 2000 I worked for a cool dot-com, but it popped with the bubble. I did software contracts in the Denver area until there were no more contracts to be had. There were men in pinstripe suits with briefcases waiting…

  • Wandering Europe

    After my bike ride I felt that maybe all this hoboing only in the US might be limiting my perspective, so I hitched a ride to Europe with my friend Nathan. Only the photos survived this one.

  • 1700 miles on the PCT

    In 1996 my friend Peter Miles Reginold Bergman and I decided to attempt a through-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada. We made it as far as Oregon, and soon after I chronicled our journey on the web.

  • Day 9 (Pete)

    Today was a nice relaxing day for me. There is a great deal of irony to the break. Dyl strained, pulled, sprained something in one of his thighs. It seemed that he was taking much too much time to catch up. I waited a long time, eventually backtracking only to find him hobbling along. He…

  • 6th Grade 53

    This is my last entry in my everloving journal. Last night was a lot of fun. But also last night I realized something. I realized how many people in this school respect me, and how my decisions influence theirs. I don’t know why, but it just hit me. I also realized the responsibility that comes…

  • 6th Grade 52

    Well, I’m not supposed to write in my journal today, but when I want to it’s a shame not too. Especially when school’s almost over. I’m going to Laramie this weekend, and I’m going to start bringing my stuff over. I can’t wait. Then this summer, at least part of the time, I’ll be able…