Category: General

  • What is a zerbit?

    Once again, the all-seeing, all-knowing whirred wild web provides a definitive, final answer.

  • Brain or No Brain?

    Scientists have learned that an octopus can move about and behave normally without using its brain. Although the finding has not yet been confirmed in humans, it could explain a lot. Just because that person at the podium is moving around and talking doesn’t justify any rash assumptions…

  • Road Photos

    I love pictures of the open road. This morning I stumbled on some good ones: American Open Road.

  • Corporate Blogging

    Today it occured to me that employee blogs would be a great way to build a corporate knowledge base. Looks like Macromedia is already going there. I think we’ll be seeing more of this.

  • my blogging inspiration

    My friend the Radical Wacko introduced me to blogging. His blog contains maniacal and thought provoking commentary on news and whatever else irks him: Radical Wacko Blog Good photography to be found there as well.

  • Surfing on a surfer

    The first link/summary style blog I’ve found that I like: B.A.’s Weblog

  • help with movie script

    I have a movie script idea, but I need some help with it. A cop is fighting a violent, loose-knit syndicate. He decides that he will do whatever it takes to succeed where all others have failed. The big fish in the syndicate are too well connected to be vulnerable to attack, so he picks…

  • surprising illusion

    For those who prefer a little more tastelessness in their illusions, here is one for you.

  • hobo values

    Much can be gleaned from the simple definition of a hobo as ‘a traveling worker’. First, a hobo might travel in order to work, work in order to travel, or more likely do some of both as the situation requires. Either way, the fact that a hobo does both reveals something about hobo values. There…

  • illusion

    A friend just mailed this to me – I hadn’t ever seen one quite this good. Look at the dot and move your head towards/away from the screen. I like illusions for a lot of different reasons. They are reminders that things are almost never as they seem, and of the ultimate fallibility of the…