Geo Mashup Plugin

The WordPress Geo Mashup Plugin

wp-gmThanks for your interest in Geo Mashup! If you want to learn more about what it does and how to use it, visit the GitHub page or play with my hobomap as an example.

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Powered by cyberhobo and you

Geo Mashup started as a hobby and eventually helped me transition from a salaried web developer to an independent freelancer. Maybe one cyberhobo can make a good plugin, but it won’t be great unless I make it easy for you to help me. If you can do any of these things, Geo Mashup will benefit:


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250 responses to “Geo Mashup Plugin”

  1. Thanks for the help and quick response last time. The guys over at the K2 forums weren’t much help really, so I’ve sorted it now by ditching bodyclass and just putting my own body tag in there, and it seems to have worked – I can now see the map 🙂

    However, I seem to be getting the blocky rendering problem you mentioned in the documentation. I’ve checked the html, and all there is there is and nothing else for that page. Also, in IE I can see the map, and move about, but the info window still renders in the same blocky manner.

    See for what I mean.

  2. The plugin was working really well, then suddenly nada. I installed a plugin and thought that might be the problem, but uninstalling did nothing. I’m going to try to restore the database from yesterday’s backup, but color me puzzled.

    BTW, you wouldn’t happen to know what’s cauing this:
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /hsphere/local/home/oldcrank/ in /hsphere/local/home/oldcrank/ on line 16

    If you have any ideas, please let me know. Thanks for your time. I hope I can do something to make it up to you.


  3. I should’ve worked it out by now 😛 Code doesn’t come up sorry. I wrapped it in div tags, so div at the start, then /div at the end, both in . But yeah, still no difference.

    I do realise that this may be to do with K2 however, and I have posted a similar message on the K2 forum.

  4. I’ve noticed that if you remove these two selectors from the K2 stylesheet, the map renders correctly:

    .primary .item .itemtext div
    .primary img

    My conclusion is that the K2 stylesheet is not Google map friendly, and you’ll have to muck around with it to get it to work.

  5. This is such a great idea. Unfortunately, I’m having the same loading problem as Jeroom and Nodge. I’ve activated geocode and it seems to be working because the coordinates fields appear in the edit screen. However, when I activate geomash and click on the geomash options screen I get an error message saying that geocode needs to be activated. Any tips would be great.

  6. Great plugin! Got it working for the most part.

    However, the location points are not coming up clearly?!

    Does anyone know of what may be wrong, and what I should look for elsewhere on my site?

    Cyberhobo.. good work, much appreciated. Once it’s working I’ll give a shoutout and credits to your blog.


  7. I should clarify one thing, and add another (sorry!)

    1. The markers show up in IE but not FireFox… (yuck)

    2. My post TITLES aren’t showing up in the box above the markers.. what do I need to do?

    Thanks again!!

  8. I also got the problem that when I click on a post, it says loading in the pop-up ballon but then it does nothing.

    Thanks for the plugin though! It’s really cool!!

  9. Gumbah, your mashup is working great for me! You could try clearing your browser cache – one of the fixes for the next release is for improper browser caching, along with some other bug fixes for the Loading… problem.

  10. Hey guys.. I’m sorta back (beyond) square one. I had this “almost” working last night, started over from scratch.. now the 5182 geo plugin doesn’t even work.

    I noticed above that some people had problems with the coordinates not working in the geo plugin.. what was the workaround that?

    I have WP 2.02, using geo plugin 5182.

    I’m stumped. So I haven’t even begun to try again with the mashup..


  11. I think most of the trouble with coordinates not working was caused by using the wrong version of Geo, but you’re using the right one. You might have to submit a ticket for Geo if it seems like a bug.

  12. I submitted a ticket, thanks.

    Here’s a general question I have regarding GeoMashup.

    You indicate in your quick start that: > has to be in the page.php file.

    That sort of plays with my theme pretty badly.

    Is there anyway that I can just use that code in the ONE page that will be using the GeoMashup? That would be a great relief for me.

    Thanks for you efforts at making the WP community a very strong one.

  13. hoboken411: I think you mean this: <body<?php GeoMashup::body_attribute(); ?>>. If your body tag is in page.php, then you should be able to make a page template specific to the map page, based on page.php.

    Note that this code doesn’t actually add an attribute to the body tag except on the map page, so even if it’s in the general page template, it’s only adding HTML on the map page itself.

    I don’t really like having to mess with the template, and I’ve been experimenting with ways to eliminate the need for that body tag attribute.

  14. Works great man!!!

    See it in action here:

    I got a lot of good reactions from my visitors!!

    I saw you put it in your “Sites with a WordPress Geo Mashup up & running:” section… Little remark on that: is in Dutch and not in German. Stuff like that is a little sensitive with the worldcupfeever and all 😉

    Thanks for the great plugin!!!

  15. Excellent! Coming from a family of Blocksmas, I should know better than to mistake Dutch for German, sorry!

  16. Hello, this plugin is exactly what I’m looking for. Though, what are the changes of having the google map displayed on my index page? Must I use a separate page?

  17. Thanks for this amazing plugin!

    Although I am having trouble with the zoom levels:
    No matter what i set in the options page i always get zoom level 4 displayed. Any suggestions?

  18. I have just set up a fresh copy of wordpress on my site, followed all instructions for both geo and the mashup plugin. Everything seemed to install and activate properly. I have created a post with location coordinates and verified they appear in the meta tag.

    However, I am getting the same problem Andrew reported above. ie the box for the map appears with controls, however there is no map in there.

    Has anyone had this problem? Can suggest a solution? Any suggestions much appreciated.


  19. Hey Scott,

    I had the very same problem. Try disabling all your css and see if it works then. If so, then you probably have to change some of it. In my case there was a “max-width: 100%” which caused the map not showing up.

    I for myself got 2 things on my mind:

    1. Internet Explorer gives me an error that it cannot open the page containing the map.

    2. I have not been able to figure out where in the javascript I can insert my own two cents. I am planning for a trip around the world and would like the map to show some GPolyLines and Markers by default.

    Any help or pointers are appreciated.

    Thanks guys.


  20. In the market pop up my links look like this:

    However, I see everyone has a link back to the post here. What do I have wrong that is causing this?

  21. And again!


    in the Loop in order to display links from a post to the marker on the map, as the documentation says, didn’t work for me. I took a look at the geo-mashup.php and couldn’t find a matching function. But I found a function show_on_map_link. So replacing the above for

    did the trick for me. I’m not sure, but this could be an error in the documentation!


  22. Last try leaving out the outer signs:

    did not work:

    ?php GeoMashup::show_on_map(‘link_text’) ?

    but this did it:

    ?php GeoMashup::show_on_map_link(‘link_text’) ?

  23. I’m getting weird errors in wordpress admin page in the “write” page:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/www-geektravel/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/geo.php:852) in /home/www-geektravel/htdocs/wp-admin/inline-uploading.php on line 5

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/www-geektravel/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/geo.php:852) in /home/www-geektravel/htdocs/wp-admin/inline-uploading.php on line 140

    and when submitting a post:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/www-geektravel/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/geo.php:852) in /home/www-geektravel/htdocs/wp-admin/post.php on line 127

    also the map doesn’t show up (it’s empty except for google logo).


    WordPress used: 2.02


  24. Mh, my download of the geo plugin seems to have been bad. Nevermind! Sorry. Map still not showing, but I’ll investigate.

    Your anti-spam plugin does suck though 🙂

  25. This is awesome! It took a bit to get it working, but it turned out to be something simple, such as the permissions on my GeoMashup folder and files. My server is a bit twitchy which might be the case for others who are having trouble seeing the map beyond the grey square.

    Since many of our colleagues travel the world, hopefully they’ll use this to plot their positions. Google Maps is also incredible because they are constantly improving the quality of their satellite images to the point where more and more parts of the world are coming into focus.

    Thank you Cyberhobo!!!

  26. Re: Scott’s question about the map frame and controls appearing but no map…

    That happened to me, too, and what fixed it was checking the “Show future posts” box on the Options > GeoMashup page. I only had one test post up with Geo coordinates attached, and apparently some sort of server time issue was causing a glitch. It had no posts to display, so it didn’t know where to go on the map…? Maybe? All I know is that it works now…

  27. First of all, congrats for this excelent plugin. Is the best one I have found related to google map management from WordPress.

    I have a question / feature suggestion for it. Is there anyway to show goe locations in the map without having an associated post?

    I’m using the plugin to show the world places where I have been and I would like to add all the places I have been in my life (it’s obviously I don’t have posts for all of them :-))


  28. Great Plugin, great work as I can see from various other sites but not mine 🙁

    I have tried every solutions that I have seen here to the point that my template for GeoMash is just hardcore php and html, with no javascript, css or any other parameters.

    Still, no map and always the same error that I receive in IE: ‘this.Za.width’ is null or not an object as an Javascript error.

    I have tried everything that I can think of, can anyone help me on this and give any ideas of what can possible have gone wrong at my site?

  29. Sorry for bashing you with comments but my site is behaving strangly and I cannot for the life of me figure it out.

    If I enter the coordinates for the map then it showes but without the posts.

    But if I just go at my page

    Then there is no map. Stranger then fiction.

    Also, I get Operation Aborted but template page has

    Any Ideas og suggestions?

  30. Cool! Have you tried the category link option? That will let you map out each category separately.

  31. Thanks, I hadn’t quite realized exactly how that feature worked yet. After re-reading the manual I see where the categories in the navigation sidebar have the “map” text next to them. That’s half of what I was thinking.

    Maybe I just need to rethink the presentation, but…. what if you could specify with the (GeoMashup) tag something along the lines of (GeoMashup#category1) which would embed a map with most of the default settings, except only pull those items from category1 or even (GeoMashup#keyword) which would only pull posts matching that keyword?

    That way, you could go ahead and embed a map in a page and “pre-select” the filter used, which let’s you do multiple category based maps without having a single page that get’s EVERYTHING mapped on it if you visit directly.

    Of course, when you do start thinking about including multiple maps in the site it makes more sense to do profiles for your GeoMashup#options that would define what category and other specific settings. It sounds like that would break the current category link concept (since that relies on the slug for the page with the map.) So, like I said, I may just need to rethink the presentation of things…

    Of course, it’s your plugin and I greatly appreciate it, it’s certainly head and shoulders above what I could have come up with from scratch.

    Thanks again,


  32. I have thought about allowing multiple maps, but I just can’t see enough benefit to justify the added complexity, both for administration and programming. There are definitely some features on my list to do first that I think will provide more benefits without making the plugin harder to use.