Category: Pacific Crest Trail Hike

  • Day 20 (Tape)

    Its SUNDAY MAY 5 (with full reverberation). And we have ah, recently crossedunderneath Interstate 15, and now we’re in a big huge oval-shaped culvert that goes underneath the railroad tracks. And ah, you know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of the bionic man. There was like a tunnel that the bionic man…

  • Day 20

    Breakfast at Tiffany’s at Cajon Pass surpasses even our monstrous expectations. Then, loaded with water and some extra treats, we heave-ho through the heat, rattlesnakes, and ticks. Up 5000 feet and into the San Gabriel mountains. Sometime during the day I reached a state of consciousness that made everything seem as it should be.

  • Day 19 (Pete)

    This being the nineteenth day of the excursion surpasses my previous record for wilderness excursions. Eighteen days trading off rowing a boat down the Grand Canyon covering over two hundred river miles. Well, we have walked much more than that in the same amount of time. Its just a drop in the bucket compared to…

  • Day 19 (Tape)

    Its day. Saturday May 4. It was pretty much just a long string of letdowns. All day long. We started off camped in the canyon. And ah, woke up, walked a few miles and we eatin breakfast when David happened by again. And ah, we learned from David that there was a store just, less…

  • Day 19

    There would be times when the trail would not live up to our desires. Days when the trail refused even the smallest craving. A store full of yummy treats turns to a lost opportunity far behind us. A refreshing lake is really a pit of mud and jet skis. A quick mile becomes a wrong…

  • Day 18 (Pete)

    I read a few pages of the book last. It seemed that I could potentially spend more time analyzing the symbology of the situation than I would ever spend passively enjoying some story. Its funny being apart from someone that you are used to being with continuously. The other becomes a sort of conglomerate of…

  • Day 18 (Tape)

    It’s Friday May 3 if I still have my dates straight. And ah, morning still, and we just hit Deep Creek which is actually a really big deep creek. Pete: (laughs) It even has a bridge going over it otherwise we’d have to swim across. And ah, yeah, it’s still morning and kinda cold, but…

  • Day 18

    We walk along the dark and lovely Deep Creek most of the day. We arrive at the hot springs just when we need them most. I’ve soon completely forgotten about the pebble I can’t seem to get out of my shoe. Humbly, I sit in the pools beneath my umbrella, refusing to let the sun’s…

  • Day 17 (Pete)

    Hit the trail this morning with Chris and John. John kept the same pace as me, more or less. We whiled away the morning yammering on about various things. A lot of comparison. How we planned our trip, what we ate ect. ect.. Practical stuff. Where we are from and what its like, school, future…

  • Day 17 (Tape)

    Well I got one last ah fleeting glimpse of the Festival of Calories last night when, after being high and eating too much pizza, and swallowing a piece wrong I woke up and felt truly bloated and almost on the edge of vomiting once more. And ah, but today ah, its a I can actually…