Category: Dylan’s PCT Summary

  • Day 94 on

    If you’re curious, our lucky streak continued. After 4 miles we were picked up by Mike and Karen Higgins in one of their two red Mazda RX7’s. These people put us up, loaned us a car, shared their wine, invited us to help create wonderful feasts in the kitchen, gave us rides at 3:30 am,…

  • Day 93

    It doesn’t take long to reach the border. There are whoops and hollers, hugs, and photographs. Then we are walking again, just like before. Only now we’re headed for the road – to catch a ride.

  • Day 92

    We know this will be the last day before our purposes drastically change. We easily get lost in our own thoughts, linger in nice places, take notice of the daily rituals that are coming to an end. I’ve always admired Pete, but in the past months I’ve seen him grow, wrestle with his past, revel…

  • Day 91

    After a huge breakfast that reveals to Pete the futility of Rick’s pancake challenge, we reluctantly and fondly say farewell to Seiad Valley. But soon we’re climbing hard, still in the spirit of the trail. For a short time we still enjoy the presence of trail moments, but we can feel the uncertain future encroaching…

  • Day 90

    The trail has brought to life a new knowlege in us: there are many wonderful people in this world. We are dirty, stinky, hairy people, but all along our journey people have helped us without cause and treated us kindly. Today a group of equestrian women make us sandwiches, and when we reach Seiad Valley…

  • Day 89

    These unexpected mountains have us as excited as children. We hop from one side of the ridge to other, finding magical lakes and heartening views. We pass stark Marble Mountain, search for hidden springs, and finally come to rest on the long grass of Big Ridge. The wind sings us to sleep under a vast…

  • Day 88

    Graduation in the past, Pete dons his working threads and we head for the Marble Mountain Wilderness. At the top of a climb we meet a man who introduces himself as the UNIBONGER. Indeed he is, and it is quite a while before we are on the trail again – and almost out of water.…

  • Day 87

    A momentous day arrives! Pete dons his flowing green cap and gown, which he wears for the rest of the day. We perform a simple ceremony, and walk 23 miles. Its hard to lend a sense of formality to such an unusual ceremony but I do my best. I feel proud of Pete and get…

  • Day 86

    We are sticking to the crest, traversing southwest, then west, then north along various ridges. As we walk around a bend we spook a bear cub, which runs right up a tree next to us. We stop cold, and the cub hangs a Uee, runs straight down the tree, and disappears.

  • Day 85

    It’s clear now that I am the only one who still feels the need to walk all day. Pete seems to really be winding down, wanting to sleep late, not prone to walk farther than is comfortable. I don’t know what is driving me. Maybe I just can’t imagine ever stopping. Maybe I’m in denial…