Month: May 2009

  • Bandelier Capulin Canyon Loop

    We’re shifting our focus from climbing to backpacking in preparation for our Wyoming CDT Hike this July. It’s a great time to do this – desert flowers are coming out, water is generally available, and temperatures are not too hot yet. We take advantage of all these things in Bandelier, starting at the visitor center…

  • Movie: Slumdog Millionaire (2008)

    Somehow the super-hip cinematography and soundtrack detracted from the essential gruesomeness of this story for me. I don’t know exactly why it missed where City of God succeeded in a similar vein. I wouldn’t say it failed, the glimmer just somehow took some of the impact out the gut punch, whereas it was enhanced in…

  • Rio en Medio Falls Hike

    This short hike is packed with way more good stuff than I anticipated. It follows the Rio en Medio up to a secluded waterfall. The forest here feels old, maybe because of the giant Ponderosas, some of which are fallen and decaying. The river makes everything lush – in the lower areas some mystery plant…

  • Chamisa Trail

    This evening we hike via a different route to Big Tesuque creek on the Chamisa Trail. The climbs are a little steeper on this hike, and again we have light rain. I stop to get some pictures of the Shootingstar and Alpine Clematis this time.

  • Bear Wallow Loop

    Ann and I take an evening walk in light rain. Flowers are starting to bloom in the wet soil, with shooting stars and alpine clematis dominating. Big Tesuque creek is high enough that we get our feet wet on the lower crossing.

  • Memorial Day Friend Gathering

    We nearly call off our camping plans due to the rainy weather forecast, but decide to give it a chance. The forecast is right. We all spend a rainy night at Tres Piedras, then wander around on Saturday getting excited to climb every time the rain stops for an hour, but it always starts again.…

  • Amazing Agave

    Ann and I take an obligatory walk to Java Joe’s to get some air when we happen upon this incredible Agave stalk preparing to bloom: Ann’s photostream has a couple more picture’s at full resolution if you’re a Flickr friend.

  • Movie: Special (2006)

    This takes the title for my favorite super hero movie. From? Uh, hmm, I’m sure there is one that I’m not thinking of. Anyway, this is fantastic, somehow capturing the psychotic aspect of both comic book heroism and regular human heroism perfectly.

  • A Postholy Day in May

    It seems like every summer it gets warm in the valley, the snow disappears from the peaks, and I go running gleefully up into the mountains in shorts, memories of last September fresh in my head. And there I find … LOTS OF LINGERING SNOW. So it is again this year – it takes us…

  • WordPress Geo Mashup Release 1.2.5

    Yesterday a bug in the Google maps API caused Geo Mashup global maps to be spattered with unwanted category lines (Issue 208). This release fixes that, and a couple of minor problems with the tabbed category index and list posts by area controls. I have a solution now for protecting your custom files from automatic…