Category: Pete’s PCT Journal

  • Day 63 (Pete)

    Out of paper. Writing on envelope back. Commando raid worked well. Ate breakfast at 10 or 11 trail miles. Walked 4 or 5. Ended up 33 some odd miles from where we started. Good position to hit Echo Lake for lunch and meet Uncle Keith and Aunt Jan. Can’t make Sierra City by closing Friday,…

  • day 62 (Pete)

    So, maybe I was being overly optimistic. We began to climb quickly upon waking. It was a mellow 900 ft. ascent. Maybe half way up I began to meditate for the first time in a very long time. I had entertained the notion that the high mountains precluded our inner desire to do so. Part…

  • Day 61 (Pete)

    If old habits die hard, as the saying goes, then new ones are still lounging pool side sipping Bloody Marys. The snow is gradually abating. We are consistently traveling toward lower elevations. The trail has led us out onto the northern Sierra Crest. Its the opposite end equivalent of those windy desert hills east of…

  • Day 60 (Pete)

    I’m sitting on a bridge thirty feet above the west fork of the West Walker River. We never thought we would set foot on this thing today let alone have a little light left to put a but on it and write. Well, that’s not all true. The day began optimistically enough. Twenty four miles…

  • Day 59 (Pete)

    I had a dream last night. No, rather, it was a premonition. Dyl and I were inside the main hall of a great cathedral. It was very ornate with stained glass, wood carved banisters and a very high ceiling. Thousands of people filled the place. A popish figure stood at the pulpit giving mass. All…

  • day 58 (Pete)

    Well, I left Tuolomne Meadows in a horrible mood. The package didn’t come; so, our time spent waiting was kind of a waste. We did eat plenty of food and had some good conversations. One guy even insisted on giving us five bucks. Perhaps I am just feeling homesick and left out. Its a fun…

  • Day 57 (Pete)

    I stole the pen I write this with from the cashier at the Tuolomne Meadows store. On a second, maybe third, trip in I heard her complaining that people had walked off with all her pens. Every time she rang up an item she would say the price out loud followed by either “tax” or…

  • Day 56 (Pete)

    Dylan and I had a conversation about marriage and children today. Siri and I had talked about each. Dylan and Camella had recently, and seriously, began to plan for marriage. All that stuff is for the future though. It used to be that I just deplored the idea of reproducing. The old cliché, “How could…

  • Day 55 (Pete)

    I am forced to write this all the way stuffed down into my sleeping beg. It is stuffy and cramped in here. Fortunately, however, I am not being sucked down to a bony corpse by the militia of mosquitoes hovering outside. The hot pool we half scouted last night had a thick crust of mysterious…

  • Day 54 (Pete)

    Today was such a long day its difficult to remember if this morning was yesterday or today. Its really difficult to convey what goes into one of one days. To start, we do a lot of exercise. For the first time in my life, I can have a great day, a happy day, a horrible…