Author: cyberhobo

  • 6th Grade 22

    I had a pretty fun day today. I finished my science fair project, and helped David with his. I guess Valentines Day makes everybody feel pretty good.

  • 6th Grade 21

    I get to goto Laramie this weekend & next weeken. Then, again during all of spring break. Heaven. I love going to Laramie. I not only have other kids as friends, but I also have lots of adult friends, like Steven. Steven is the owner of Superfun, a nation-wide arcade. That even helps our relationship…

  • 6th Grade 20

    I don’t wan’t to write to write today, but I’m being forced. I’m hungry. I’d much rather be home pigging out on Oreao Cookies, Rocky Road Ice Cream, marshmallow fluffs, and nutricous stuff like that. Debbie’s go it off easy today. If she doesn’t want to write things in her journal, she can go down…

  • 6th Grade 19

    I’m feeling pretty good today. Now that warmth is coming on I’m being influenced to take part in different sports. For one, the warmth has affected some minds so they like to pile up and make pyramids. I am begining to play with hackey sack. Its wierd how warmth affects people. Jon just tickled me…

  • 6th Grade 18

    I’m really sad about David’s brother. Why does everything have to happen to them. It really doesn’t seem fair. I’ve got to get finished with my science fair project. I think it’s going to be pretty good. I might even go to district again this year. I hope so. It’s pretty fun there. California is…

  • 6th Grade 17

    No time, no time, it’s gonna be a quickee today. I wanna go to karate. I had a great today and during the weekend. Bye.

  • 6th Grade 16

    I finally got my report done. I’m catching up in math too. And now I’ll go to Laramie all weekend and fall behind again. Life’s a bummer. I thinck I’ll have a great time over the weekend, I hope. But I propbably have fun and forget Ft. Collins ever existed.

  • 6th Grade 15

    I sort of enjoyed our field trip to rawhide. But for some reason it wasn’t near as fun a last year. It was exactly the same thing as last year. I think they could have at least changed the tour. I think my brain is being taken over by computers. I feel like programming every…

  • 6th Grade 14

    I have lots of math, excretory system study, and report, to do tonight. Why do these things always happen when I have karate, planning a trip to Laramie, and have to go to the library. I’ll be in the library enough time to have something to lose, but not enough time to get down and…

  • 6th Grade 13

    We didn’t do to much today, execept for quizes and tests. I wish we would have special intrest groups every day. It’d give us a chance to learn more in our subject. Maybe I just like computers. I don’t know, but I think everybody would like that. I’m hungry. I didn’t eat much for breakfast,…