Wagon Wheel

It’s been long enough since I’ve bouldered that it feels kind foreign and strange. Ted, Randy, Greg, and Curtis are working on something right of Walter’s crack when we arrive. I do a number of familiar and long-neglected problems in the area. Some that used to seem hard are now not so bad. Others I have done seem impossible now. It feels good to be on the rocks though, and slowly my head clears. I finish the day on a problem I once had a monopoly on due to a long reach, but Curtis has figured out a better way to do it and now we all make it up.

Meanwhile Ann has started walking back with Jezze and I drive several miles past her before swinging back to look more carefully. Luckily there’s still a little light left and I spot them on the second try.

2 responses to “Wagon Wheel”

  1. ay laddy, twas a fine day indeed.
    you were looking smoove on the probs i saw you on. i was stoked that you came over to the cacacheenyo area.
    i am going back there on my next session it felt good. “flounder” is a sweet route. there’s potential for more routes on that face. yummay.

    there’s good mods there, really. maybe ann’ll want to get on them. she’d dig ’em.

    funny what a bit of beta will do…. i had my loosest slippers on. them i relented and asked krutis for the beta. i put my Mad Rocks on… still too soft. put the Synchros on and BANG!

    edging is so fun, but you can’t count on it to be the exclusive hold type on a route. i would love to do a route with nothing but edges and crimps.. wear the Synchros.

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