Wagon Wheel


Matt and Sophie Heason, the couple from the UK we met in Joshua Tree three weeks ago, drop by our house on their way to LAX and the end of their tour. Since we saw them they have been to the Grand Canyon, Zion, Valley of Fire, Death Valley, Bishop, and the Needles. We take them out for a session at Wagon Wheel, and are joined by Ted and Greg. Matt supplies a couple of surprises by doing “the V Notch” in about two moves, and “the spoogy mantle” by putting his foot up by his head and standing on it. When it gets dark we swing by the front for a beer, and Ann decides to work the leaning crack problem there in the dark. I give her the pad, humoring her, and she sets at it with determination. To the delight of everyone, after several falls, she nails it. We all cheer.

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