My best challenge for this compendium of Jewish LGBT resources was the highly-classified equality guide geo search. The “I’m looking for” menu (enhanced with Chosen) allows geo searches for specific taxonomy terms and also some pre-defined combinations of terms. The separate, extra-important affiliation selector combines with this choice. Whew! There were lots of other features…
RSF impact map adds content flow, AJAX loading, and more
Ever seen a map of custom markers synchronized with thumbnail images in a content flow that dynamically loads content including tabs, post listings, and a slide show? I hadn’t either! I was not certain it could be done, but perseverance paid off. The map is tied to the thumbnails, so an item selected in either…
RSF Social Finance Impact Map Enhancements
We’ve updated this map of RSF Social Finance projects with a larger map pane, extra zoom control, smaller controls in general, full post display below the map, and a tabbed alternate list view. Next up is an interface for users to submit their projects using a customized gravity form to make the map as social…
We Are America Map
Working with Vernal Creative, I customize Geo Mashup to create a map of submitted immigrant stories from across the united states. Additional work went into the video post submission interface, built on top of the All in One Video Pack plugin.