Deep Creek Exploration

Curiosity draws Ann and I out for a drive in the truck to find the Deep Creek crags. We’re just scouting without climbing gear. The 5 miles of steep dirt roads nearly thwart us, but after recovering from one wrong turn we find it. It’s a remote place that’s pretty bushy and overgrown to get around, but raptors screech overhead and we see no sign of other people, giving it a wild and remote feel. We scope out a few climbs and have a picnic before strapping in for the bumpy drive down.

Deep Creek View


2 responses to “Deep Creek Exploration”

  1. Ann, you are looking so fine! I see you are wearing those toesy shoes. Have they become the answer to your shoe challenges?

  2. Thank you Mary! Yes the Vibrams are all I wear for hiking and have been for three years now. Even for backpacking in the mountains and bushwhacking through the desert! I really love them–don’t know what I’d do without them!

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