Easter climbing at Owen’s River Gorge

Luckily for Wes, Ann, and I the weather forecasts were fabulously wrong and we enjoy a weekend full of warm sunny sport climbing at Owen’s River gorge. It’s been ten years since I’ve climbed here, but it feels great to kick off the season with some of my old favorites. Memory is not perfect, though, as I find when I start up my last route thinking it will be a little challenging, and find it impossible for me and have to bail off. New memories 🙂

Graffiti overlook

Testing the weather

Wes in the gorge

Wes – Crotalusley Challenged


Dylan – Cinderella

Ann – Cinderella

Upper Owen's River Gorge

Wes achieves fire

Sunrise Power

Early Mount Tom

Camp Sunrise

Dylan – Crowd Pleaser

Wes – Crowd Pleaser

Wes – Crowd Pleaser

Dylan tests tractor beam eyes

Wes – Post Crowd Pleaser

Gorge Trio

Wes – Step Up

Ann – Step Up

Ann – Step Up

Upper Gorge Crowds

Routes: Crotalusley Challenged 5.6, Cinderella 5.9, Pet Trackers 5.10a, P.D. Time 5.7, Iceberg II 5.9, Babushka 5.8, Crowd Pleaser 5.9, Humbly, Mumbly, Jumbly 5.10b, Nirvana 5.10a, Clip Jr 5.6, Unknown 5.7, Step Right Up 5.8, Trundle of Joy 5.12b (bailed, thought it was a 10b!)

4 responses to “Easter climbing at Owen’s River Gorge”

  1. haha.. the venerable ORG. very nice. very nice. looks un-packed. you went in the south entrance. it’s a slog.

    “Nirvana”. yep, that is the perfect ORG 10a. very neat.

  2. I was definitely thinking of our gorge trips when I climbed Nirvana again. We actually did these over three days, the day at the central area being the only full one.

  3. You and I definitely *magic* going on. Our mojo complimented eachother; you were on, i was off, i was on, you were off.. and it always made it fine. So weird.

    I still have no idea what route we did at J-Tree that day. Supposed to be that multi-pitch 5.7****. We wound up on God knows what. BUT IT WAS GREAT! Well, gritty but great.

    That time I did “The Flake” 5.9 at Intersection rock and put a piece in off line and was basically climing like a 40# dumbbell clipped to my belt. And your onsiting of “Igor Unchained” at the Needles. I mean, if I had tried to lead that that day, with my mind thinking it was supposed to be easy? Pfffftt.. I’da been miserable on that!

    Our summer trip to J-Tree.. jeez dude, nobody does that. But we did and it was great.

  4. Walk on the Wild Side! It was that, whether we were on route or not…

    And don’t forget Cry in Time Again and Medlicott Dome at Tuolumne!

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