Cabarton Ranch Ramble and Gold Fork Hot Springs

Cabarton Ranch on the North Fork Payette River is owned by Ann’s Dad’s cousin David MacGregor, who invited us up to spend the Christmas/New Year week. I’m hoping for snow at the nearby Tamarack ski area, but so far it’s pretty bare up here, so Ann and I walk up Cabarton Road to the town of Cascade. It’s a cold 7 mile romp.

Cabarton Ranch Barn

In Cascade Ann’s parents pick us up and we all go to Gold Fork Hot Springs. It’s a very nice place, but today it’s MOBBED. Maybe all the others vacationers in the area have also come here instead of the ski hill. We join the crowd. The water is great, everyone’s in good spirits, and we all manage to relax and enjoy a good soak.

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