Mount San Antonio Hike

We’re sore and the day is looking hot, so instead of climbing we start our drive south and stop to check out Mount San Antonio, a solitary volcanic dome that has always piqued my curiosity. There are two summits of nearly equal height, and one of them is home to some radio towers. On our map a forest road leads to the towers. When we find the road, there is a gate across the road stating pretty clearly, “if you pass through this gate, you are trespassing and will be prosecuted”. Our map does show a small square of private property on the lower part of the road, so I attempt to skirt it while Ann stays behind to hunt flowers. Despite the bushwhacking it turns out to be a lovely hike. When I get down a local drives by, and tells me that it’s fine to hike the tower service road, and the real private roads have locked gates.

2 responses to “Mount San Antonio Hike”

  1. What Mr. Cyberhobo doesn’t say is that I was lazy and didn’t feel like hiking. The really fun part is that I did get to hunt flowers, then take them back to our house at the bottom of the trail, start cooking dinner, mix up some margs, turn on the solar radio from Taos, and sit down with all my flora identifying books to look for the flowers I’d found. This is the fabulous part about having your house with you all the time! Oh, and then I took a nap. 🙂

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