A Pacific Crest Trail Departure

Looking Ahead
You're on the border of Mexico and California, where Pete & Dylan were on April 16, 1996. From here you can follow them to Oregon, in as much or as little detail as you like.

If you can watch a QuickTime movie, it only takes a few seconds to see the whole 80+ day journey as recorded in the flipbook.

Or, you can follow the metatrail of thumbnail pictures and my summary of each day.

For those few highly obsessive folks with plenty and time and bandwidth to kill, there's full-detail photos and unedited transcripts of our journals.

A quick intro
Table of Contents
Download Quicktime Flipbook Draft (1.43M)
Pete's Forward 
There are two weeks of preparations in San Diego at the *The Institute of Sociometry*, original franchise. During this time I send several emails to my girlfriend back in New Mexico. 
April 16, 1996: The Mexican Border
It's like we parachuted onto a different planet. We've spent a long time preparing for this, but we aren't prepared. All we can do is walk. It doesn't take long before we have the map & compass out. We're crawling through chemise, getting scratched and gouged, learning navigation the hard way. Finally we find the trail and walk in hot, hilly terrain until our legs rebel. No amount of stretching seems to appease them. 
Pete's Journal

Keep Walkin'