July 15
After a huge breakfast that reveals to Pete the futility of Rick's pancake challenge, we reluctantly and fondly say farewell to Seiad Valley. But soon we're climbing hard, still in the spirit of the trail. For a short time we still enjoy the presence of trail moments, but we can feel the uncertain future encroaching with the Oregon border.
| Pete's Journal
July 16
We know this will be the last day before our purposes drastically change. We easily get lost in our own thoughts, linger in nice places, take notice of the daily rituals that are coming to an end. I've always admired Pete, but in the past months I've seen him grow, wrestle with his past, revel in joys, fight physical pain, risk his life, overcome fear, and give generously without expecting anything in return. I wonder what it will be like when we part ways.
| Pete's Journal
July 17
It doesn't take long to reach the border. There are whoops and hollers, hugs, and photographs. Then we are walking again, just like before. Only now we're headed for the road - to catch a ride.
| Pete's Journal

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