July 6
At my insistence, we push hard through the hot but shady forest hills to reach Squaw Valley Creek for a swim. Nothing can occupy my mind but the image of its cool fresh water. When we finally reach it the day is cooling off, but I enjoy a swim anyway (at the expense, perhaps, of a few fisherpersons).

We talk for a while about our first day on the trail at Campo, an unreal memory that feels years old.

| Pete's Journal
July 7
I will always associate the Sacremento River with Paradise On Earth. Never has water made me feel so good. After our grueling hot descent to Castella, we splash in it for an hour.

During the afternoon we hang out Interstate-side at Ameratti's Market in Castella, pigging out. I break down and buy a paperback. Park Rangers sniff us out and "invite" us to stay at the official PCT campsite. For our $6 we get a couple of rides, warm showers, and entertaining items left in the bear box by other hikers.

| Pete's Journal
July 8
Tearing ourselves away from Ameratti's, we set our feet slowly moving up the steeply climbing trail. We both reach the verge of sickness fighting up the climb with our heavy packs, though we are veterans of such climbs. Eventually we are cheered by impressive Castle Crags, the refreshing streams, and the abundance of life that surrounds us. We sleep in my favorite manner, perched high on a ridge.
| Pete's Journal

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